Personal Training Sandy Springs GA Cross Training Gym
Personal Training Sandy Springs GA Cross Training Fitness & Therapy

Our patients are like family. We look forward to helping you reach your physical therapy goals.

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Personal Training in Sandy Springs GA




Cross Training Fitness & Therapy

Located at: Terraces North
400 Perimeter Center Terrace,
Atlanta, GA 30346

Personal Training Sandy Springs GA Cross Training Fitness & Therapy

Our patients are like family. We look forward to helping you reach your physical therapy goals.

Call Us Today

Personal Training in Sandy Springs GA




Cross Training Fitness & Therapy

Located at: Terraces North
400 Perimeter Center Terrace,
Atlanta, GA 30346

We're seeing fantastic results helping people with the following:

  • Difficulty Sitting

  • Sharp Pain

  • Difficulty Walking

  • Radiating Pain

  • Stiffness

  • Difficulty Sitting

  • Sharp Pain

  • Difficulty Walking

  • Radiating Pain

  • Stiffness

Personal Training For Chronic Pain

The synergy between chiropractic adjustments and physical therapy is undeniable. While chiropractic care focuses on the spine and its relationship with the nervous system, Physical Therapy in Sandy Springs GA emphasizes the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders, strength-building, and mobility enhancement. Together, they can accelerate a patient's journey to recovery.

Personal Trainer Sandy Springs GA Travis Cross

DR. Travis Cross, DC

  • Personal Training & Chiropractic Care

    Incorporating personal training in a chiropractic setting benefits patients in multiple ways. Firstly, it ensures that any adjustments made by the chiropractor are supported by strengthening and flexibility exercises. This not only sustains the benefits of the adjustment but also reduces the risk of future injuries.

  • The Best Path

    Chiropractors have extensive training in how to deal with chronic pain.  They understand how to find the root cause of problems to help you achieve your goals.

    If you're struggling with chronic pain, please contact Dr. Cross to set up a free consultation.

Dr. Travis Cross has been a Chiropractor, physical therapist and personal trainer in the Perimeter area for 25 years. During that time he has developed a unique approach to helping his clients meet their health and fitness goals. At Cross Training, injury rehabilitation is a top priority when working with new and existing clients. If you are injured, you cannot exercise properly leading to compromised form and chronic pain.

Dr. Cross incorporates multiple components of fitness including cardiovascular, strength, flexibility, core, endurance and balance into his comprehensive programming. The training sessions are small group to promote a sense of community and accountability. The HIIT principle or "High Intensity Interval Training" is utilized to maximize results without spending hours at the gym.

New Patient Special

Complimentary Consultation

Personal Training Sandy Springs GA Posture Chart

Posture plays a crucial role in overall health by affecting various bodily functions. Poor posture can lead to muscle imbalances, joint pain, decreased lung capacity, digestion issues, and even mood changes. Maintaining good posture helps support proper alignment of the spine, improves breathing, circulation, and energy levels, and reduces strain on muscles and joints.

Fitness Indicators

Body Weight Icon

Body Weight

It may be an obvious fitness indicator, but body weight alone doesn’t tell you everything. Measuring your weight in conjunction with other readings gives you a clearer picture of what’s going on with your body.

Body Fat Icon

Body Fat Percentage

If you’re losing weight, tracking your body fat percentage lets you know you’re trimming the fat as opposed to losing other kinds of weight.

Skeletal Muscle Icon

Skeletal Muscle

Skeletal muscle burns 22% of all calories, so it’s important to build and maintain. It’s also beneficial to your diet and exercise routine, helping to prevent rebound weight gain and avoid injury.

Visceral Fat Icon

Visceral Fat

Visceral fat surrounds the vital organs in the abdomen. Since it cannot be seen from the outside, it often goes undetected. Excessive visceral fat may lead to high cholesterol, heart disease and type-2 diabetes.

Resting Metabolism Icon

Resting Metabolism

Regardless of activity level, a minimum level of caloric intake is required to sustain your body’s everyday functions. Knowing your resting metabolism helps you plan your diet according to your weight loss or maintenance needs.

Body Age Icon

Body Age

This indicator is calculated using your weight, body fat percentage and skeletal muscle percentage. The resulting number reflects your body age in relation to your calendar age. You want to keep it lower if possible.

New Patient Special

Complimentary Consultation

Liam B.

Wellness and attention to detail at its best. You can’t go wrong here.

Bryce A.

These guys have the experience and proven results that you should expect when you trust someone with your health care! Definitely five stars! Highly recommended!

Irene L.

After years of working as a baggage handler and a couple of injuries, I found it beneficial to return to chiropractic care. I have recurrent neck and back pain and I found it helps with that and other concerns as well.

Contact Us Today!

Cross Training Fitness & Therapy

Located at: Terraces North
400 Perimeter Center Terrace,
Atlanta, GA 30346

(404) 303-0266
Trusted Chiropractor Badge

Office Hours

Monday: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Wednesday: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed